Money, success, Uncategorized

A little mindset shift that will catapult your success!!!!

I am going to teach you a little perspective shift that has helped me MASSIVELY!

Do you get that “icky” feeling when it comes to spending money?

Do you say no to spending money on your own growth?

I’ll give you an example. I’m in a position where I need to put some investment into my business.  It is making me feel “icky” because I don’t know whether it is going to pay off.  I don’t know whether it is going to pay off because deep down I am still not behind myself 100%  I still carry limiting beliefs about my success, but they are massively reduced compared to this time 18 months ago because of the work I have done on myself.

You see, our internal condition, holds us back. 

It affects us in numerous areas of our life where there is the opportunity to grow

  • The opportunity to start a new business
  • Investing in our wellness
  • Embracing a new opportunity.

I definitely felt exactly the same before I started my business!  However, at the same time we had other bills and I was finding the space on my credit card to pay them.

You know in the present day I don’t have to use a credit card because of my business.  It has pulled me out of the financial hole I was in and opened doors to so many opportunities.  My life is different because of it.  I am different because of it!  And only because I made the decision to invest in myself.

The thing that made me think about this was being in Specsavers today being told I need to wear glasses.  I was looking at the prices thinking “I could really do without this expense, but I need glasses and so, I’ll pay the money to get some.  The money was the same amount that I need to invest in my business and I didn’t get that same “icky feeling”.  What is the difference?

Our past experiences create baggage and garbage that blocks our future

And block our success.

If we don’t believe in ourselves to make something happen because of whatever reason we won’t invest cash.

If we don’t feel worthy of whatever that investment will bring us, we won’t invest the cash.

It might even be that we don’t believe in ourselves to be able to handle the kind of success that investment will create!  So we don’t invest the cash.

Think about it.  If I put my personal development course in front of you right now, or you were offered the chance to start your own business, or you were offered a way to get fit and healthy and whichever one of those things you chose cost a few hundred bucks.  What would stop you saying yes?

I am gonna guess… you are saying “I can’t afford it”.

OK, so now ask yourself, would you say yes if it was a water bill or a rates bill or school fees or a saving payment towards the annual family holiday?

Then honestly, ask yourself what is the difference.  It isn’t that you can’t afford it.  It is because you are prioritising other things over your own success.

And feeling “icky” is the body’s clever mechanism to make sure you continue doing that because the feeling is anchored in the memory of whatever caused your limiting belief in the first place.

So we come back to healing the internal condition for you to be able to grow.

And I promised to teach you the reframe that works for me and frees me from the limiting belief that prevents me GROWING!

It’s really simple.  I just think about the decision the future me would make.  I am in business, I want my business to be a success and so this is a need that needs to be satisfied.

I do the same thing when it comes to my personal development too now because I know that continuing to heal my internal condition is the only thing that will continue to free from the past experiences that held me back for too long.

Of course this requires having a strong vision of where you want to go.  What the future you looks like.

We work on vision in my free Manifestation Challenge.  That’s right, it’s absolutely free so you don’t have to spend anything to access it.  We start with setting your vision of your greatest life then I teach the 4 powerful keys you need to unlock your manifesting success.

Check it out here

OR, if you’re ready to dig deep into the mindset that is holding you back from success, register for my free Mindset Masterclass, happening tomorrow!


In high vibes & happiness

CW x x x