anxiety, biohacking, business, emotional trauma, Freedom, gratitude, law of attraction, manifestation, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

Until you spread your wings you will have no idea how far you can fly…

If you always focus on just getting by, you’ll only ever get by!

If you take a leap of faith, trust in yourself and your higher power, you’ll be surprised what happens next!

9 years ago I was sat in my house with the curtains closed staring at the fireplace. I’d been trying to pluck up the courage all day to go out, but my anxiety didn’t let me. I’d had a big argument with my brother a few days before and he’d slammed me in between the wall and his door breaking my toe. I was fighting a court battle with my ex-employers, we were short of money and it felt like everything was too hard.

There in that moment I made the decision to move to New Zealand.

I knew Craig would be on board because we’d talked about it for ages, but it had to happen now. I couldn’t see any other way forward.

My best friends pretended they were excited for me, but I could see they were devastated. Telling mum and dad was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and they were heartbroken too

Now I know that move was the best thing I could have ever done, but as I walked through the airport gates into the Auckland arrivals terminal and listened to the Native Birdsong sing out through the speakers I wasn’t sure I’d made the right choice at all.

Those first few years were hard. I continued to fight my court battle across the miles, which I ultimately lost, but over time my anxiety was improving and I got back into full time work.

Then it hit me. What the fuck! That same feeling of something being massively out of alignment, like having a wonky disc in your back and trying to walk anyway. I felt the discomfort! And I think I felt it every day since, albeit got less, until last year when I took another leap of faith and did something else completely out the box.

This time the thing was more outside of my comfort zone than moving countries…
And it had a shed load more risks than benefits that I could see through the struggle we were still in. I applied for the Reality Show, Play to Win!!!

I put thousands of dollars of flights on a credit card on a gut feeling that the tiny chance of winning the show was worth the massive risks and sacrifices to my family. And I lost!

But thankfully, the result was that I changed so much and I learned so much from the experience that it was one of the best decisions I ever made. For none of the reasons I thought it would help me, but for all of the reasons I needed help, that I couldn’t see myself.

Are you seeing the pattern here…?

Life is on the other side of everything you fear…

And often our fears are to do with money. Or moreover the fear of losing it, not making it back if we invest in something and we don’t see how investment in ourselves will pay off. We feel more comfortable investing in marketing courses, more education and learning, but do those things really transform our struggle? Not in my experience…

So here we come up to the real ball breaker in the story…

In November last year, with Craig freshly unemployed, I committed to a coaching program that I had no vehicle to pay for, apart from my own success. This was my biggest leap of faith yet. And the faith was in me.

You see, in 2016, I’d launched my own location independent coaching business on the feeling that this was exactly what I was supposed to be doing in the world.

But it had failed.

My Network Marketing business was propping it up. I’d gradually began to work with beautiful clients, yes, and they had amazing successes, yes, but it wasn’t translating into the income I wanted and I was frustrated. And with Craig now out of work, I had two choices. Chase the dream of who I truly want to become or give the fuck up!

And so I took a chunk of money from Craig’s redundancy and I put a deposit down on a coaching programme that cost more money than we even owned.

And the decision paid off.

3 months on, Craig is chasing his dreams instead of going back to a job he hates and my business is funding it.

You see, the moment you take your focus off your struggle and get out of your head and into your heart where your truth flies high, the struggle you fear is less likely to eventuate…

How much of your life are you willing to commit to STRUGGLE because of more decisions that are guided by everything you FEAR?

A couple of weeks ago, I welcomed 3 new clients to my Coaching Programme, u_UNLEASHED that really compelled me to write this post.

They represent everything I believe about what is possible when you let go of fear long enough to see what you truly want and commit to doing whatever it takes to end the struggle for good. And they are already seeing a return on their investment.

But each of the 3 almost said no. They almost turned the coaching down for fear they wouldn’t be able to pay for it. And I’m so happy they turned their fear into the fire that will make their dreams realise!

Especially because each of the 3 wants to impact others. And income is a magnifier… It allows us to do more, be more, create more!

If you’re ready to stop shrinking to your reality and start your journey of GROWTH, drop an application to this link to talk to me about your struggle and the life you want beyond it:…/

I genuinely am here for you. I understand where you are and what you fear because as you have read, I have lived through the not so great stuff. But I am also proof of how quickly you can turn things around with the right support and I’m creating a line of other entrepreneurs that are also proof that your dreams of more impact and income are possible with my support.

I’ve got you…

Will you take a leap of faith?