anxiety, business, Freedom, gratitude, law of attraction, manifestation, mindset, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

2020, The Year The World Went Crazy?

2020 has been a roller-coaster, right?

And yet, for me and for my clients it hasn’t been a bad thing… it has facilitated profound GROWTH.  Think about where you are right now and ask yourself, is it to truly where you want to be?

Are you going along creating the Legacy you want to leave or are you pushing it out to Someday Isle because of excuses?

If money was no object, what would you be doing and is it the same as you are doing now?

Life is finite.

The biggest bullshit we have been sold is that we have time.



I had a wake up call when my friend passed away a few weeks ago.

She was my age, it happened really fast, even though she had been bravely fighting cancer for many years, and it just hit me.


If I died tomorrow, would I have done everything I was meant to?


LEGACY is something we go through life creating. It’s not something we leave behind.

How would I justify not doing the things I feel deeply called to do to help make our world a better place?

  • Because I didn’t have the MONEY?
  • Because I couldn’t figure out HOW?
  • Because I felt too small to make a DIFFERENCE?

So what has really blocked me up until so recently from taking powerful steps forward to a more aligned and impact-driven life?

My Mind.

My mind and all the bullshit it’s picked up and stored as my beliefs over the years.


It made me be an effect of life, not a powerful creator.  And up and down the roller-coaster of 2020, I have realised we can create from nothing.  We do not have to mirror our circumstances.  And we can choose to be OK.

Our struggles serve us, they create us and they can connect us with our Purpose, if we listen to the messages in our discomforts.

So my question for you… Along the roller-coaster… What did you learn?

Have the struggles been a set back or a set UP?



The impact you want to make isn’t going anywhere…

The life you truly want to lead will always be possible…

The income that will unlock the freedom and the lifestyle you really want will always be within reach…

It’s just up to you whether you will take the LEAP and ask your Soul for a dinner date!  So, let me ask you just one more question… What is the leap you have to take?

Think about it carefully…

The decision you make right now will determine the how you wind up your year…

And how do you want 2020 to end? Who do you want to be walking into another year on this planet!?


In case you need the reminder, the world needs you… Your people need you and your purpose has a place!


Struggle calls us to shine our light BRIGHTER, not dim it…

If you are keen to explore how you can start to make the days count, reach out.  Let me know in the form where you are at and what you need and I will contact you about a free Breakthrough Call to help you to move forwards and get the momentum that you desire and deserve in your life.

biohacking, business, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, Freedom, Instagram, law of attraction, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

Are you Denying your Truth?

I just sat for 2 hours and unravelled a super tangled ball of wool, so that I can complete the blanket I am knitting for my baby that is due in late August/September.

As I sat there and focused on meticulously unlooping each knot and tracking the yarn back to its true form, it occurred to me just how many people’s lives are like the ball of wool I just unravelled.

My life was like that tangled up ball of wool too!  And in truth I am still untangling it…

Coming to the end of my second week in Soulciete’s Leadership Programme, I can see and feel so deeply that when I am in Flow and connected to my Source and Truth, my success comes easily.

In February I felt so in Flow.

I stood up on the HerStory Auckland Stage and I spoke from my heart about my how my personal story led to my passion to heal other’s trauma and take them through the process of Emotional Biohacking that I had discovered to live out their true Soul Goal.  I did a workshop after the talk and felt so fulfilled as one by one, participants connected with their own individual truths of the traumas they were holding onto, saw their experiences from a new perspective and began within seconds to neutralise the mental pictures that had been holding them back in the powerful actions that could create different outcomes in their lives!

When I’m not in Flow, my success doesn’t flow either.  It becomes hard work.

And after February, my success became hard work.  And I am starting to see clearly WHY.  In a powerful way I can see clearly that the #1 BS (belief system) that holds me back is still around money.

The illusion of lack or insufficiency runs deep in me because I still hold onto trauma from my childhood that led me to believe that scarcity is inevitable.  The Global Coronavirus Pandemic has deeply triggered this limited view and I know it is preventing me from experiencing all of the abundance that is truly possible, and the happiness and peace. It has also taken me a little off track with my messaging because I pivoted to help people based on this limited view.  And people are starting to ask, “Clare, are you a Social Media Coach now?”  And the answer is no!

Every essence of my being was born to be a Spiritual Coach.

This is why my signature programme, u_UNLEASHED is such a beautiful balance of helping you discover your truth and get on the path of your true purpose:

  • Knowing yourself,
  • Taking responsibility for the fact that everything you want is within you
  • And allowing you to be who you truly are
  • Then creatively expressing that through a business and marketing it authentically online.

The inner spiritual work is the core work and the social media is just strategy.  

I believe you can’t use strategy powerfully until you are in connection with your truth and freed from your limiting beliefs, and I see it over and over again in myself and with my Clients. It’s why what you see working for others doesn’t work for you.  And I feel your frustration, I really do.

We all have limited views – money, our capability, our ability, our worth.

And your limited views, like mine, show up in reaction to an external situation, right?

Ask yourself right now, what feelings come up, when an external situation triggers you?

And what happens when you feel these feelings?  Do you go all in your dreams?  Or do you hold back?  Say no?  Play small?

And if I could show you a way, the method I am currently deepening, to not feel those feelings anymore, no matter your external circumstances, would that interest you?

And now tell me… Why?

I want you to actually email me and tell me using the form, where you are at and what you are struggling with, and how good are you willing to let life get?!

Struggle shows us how to be VULNERABLE and be OK feeling that vulnerability. 

It calls us to shine our light not dim it!!!!

If you have a purpose, even if you don’t know what it is yet, but you feel the urgency of living it out, let me help you unravel your own ball of tangled wool, to bring you back to your truth.

Let me help you shed all your own false identities, limited views, trauma and confusion that is blocking you from stepping into your true power!

Let me help you enable yourself to really be who you truly already are and unleash the true creative expression of your purpose and leverage your beautiful personal story and journey to create your success.

Everyone who connects with me in the next 24 hours will receive a BONUS insight into the 10 things I am doing every day for my spiritual work and to embed clarity practices through my day, so that I can keep becoming more and more connected to my true ‘I Am’.

In your High Vibes, Health, Happiness & SUCCESS,

Clare! x x x

anxiety, biohacking, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, Freedom, mindset, Money, success, Uncategorized

There are 3 business identities… Which one are you?

Not all action is created equally…

How have you fared through the Coronavirus pandemic?

Have you felt energised and thrived all the way through?

Have you been lethargic and lacked energy/motivation?

Or have you taken an emotional journey, from driven to unmotivated and back again?

Connected with lots of mission-driven entrepreneurs, I have seen many responses to the the Global Pandemic and I have taken my own interesting journey too!  What I have definitely seen is how where we were before the Pandemic began  has definitely influenced the journey we have taken through it.

In business I identify this as 3 identities:

  1. What I call the Entrepreneur with Potentiality Untapped
  2. The Survivor
  3. And the Recovered Survivor

Those in the Potentiality Untapped group have struggled the most.

They have experienced the struggle of the Pandemic deeply.  They have responded to what has happened in their business with unproductive surrender and they have struggled emotionally, which has led to inaction or action in response to what has happened around them.  The Pandemic has crushed their business and they are questioning how they go forward from here.

Survivors have been more proactive.  They jumped into action at the onset of crisis because they feared the implications.  They took a personal responsibility for their business survival, but ultimately found themselves burnt out and frustrated when their action did not result in tangible return.  They have suffered from the Pandemic, but are hopeful something will change to help them recover.

Recovered Survivors have thrived.

They have felt no fear in response to the Pandemic, only trust in the process and deeper connection to their vision to serve.  They have pivoted when they have needed to and taken the learnings when things have worked.  They have taken care of their own emotions, invested in the inner work when they have felt called to and are walking out of the Global Pandemic better than when they walked in!

Where are you in these descriptions?

It is helpful to know, so you can take powerful action to go forward right now.  As I said in the intro, not all action is created equally and your action is being driven by a subconscious automation born out of where you have come from and the experiences you have had in the past.

In my quiz created especially for Mission-Drive Entrepreneurs you can find out what your identity is and receive a step-by-step personalised plan to go forward.

Related: Do you have an Inaction Problem?  If so, how do you overcome it?

Your personalised plan focuses principally on how you show up online because this is one of the biggest opportunities that has come out of the Coronavirus for businesses.  At the same time, standing out online and connecting with your ideal clients and customers has become more challenging because the social media algorithms have changed substantially based on a higher use of social media and a change in people’s use of social media.

You might have experienced a change of engagement yourself.  Posts that once got good engagement are now getting crickets!

So let’s get you set up with your plan, by first determining, what is your identity?  Potentiality Untapped, Survivor or Recovered Survivor?  (Your goal is to become a Recovered Survivor, where you have the most power to become a conscious creator of your life and feel motivated, focused, and driven to achieve your goals.  When you are a Recovered Survivor you become Superhuman in your business!)

Why not Survivor?

“Survivor” is a badge that is worn with pride, no?

No.  I spent 14 years surviving.  It started after I was raped whilst travelling around South America in 2004 (hear my story here).   I thought that if I didn’t give the experience any power by trying to forget it even happened, then it didn’t really happen.

Only your subconscious mind doesn’t allow you to deny it, not really. It always directs how you show up in your life and how big you choose to play.

And that’s no way to live. It is just surviving.

One of the things I’m most passionate about now is to say to people, if you’re surviving that is great! Do wear that badge with pride!

But what about if you can become a Recovered Survivor and start living again?

What if you and your business can thrive!

I can help you get to that next level. Completing my Quiz can help you start the journey!

Because surviving is great, but it’s not living, it’s not thriving, it’s not true happiness, it’s not true alignment. It’s torturing.

That’s where I came up with the name of my Coaching Programme, u_UNLEASHED…. Your true, unlimited self is in there, within you. We unleash it. We let your truth live out in all of its quirks and eccentricities and flaws and broken beauty.

And that is what builds your successful impact-driven business!

All of us have had those experiences that have scarred us. It’s what we do with that…

I am creating a Movement of people who show the strength to be vulnerable, so that we create a ripple effect of people stepping out of the survival minds in which they’ve got stuck and changing the world with their unique and beautiful power.

Access your Quiz now within my FREE Superhuman Success Bundle here

You will also get access to tools that you can use:

  • To rewire the subconscious programming that is blocking you from creating the life you really want
  • To get into and stay in a high vibe that attracts your success
  • Overcome bad money mindset
  • Manage time
  • Fast track manifestation
  • Discover and/or align your life and business to your Soul Goal; that one deep purpose you were born into this earth for
  • Reduce unhealthy procrastination
  • Improve your Marketing and Visibility
  • And begin to build an indestructible mindset and bulletproof belief!

Everything you need to compliment your personalised plan from the Quiz!

_I never used the term Superhuman before in my business, I mostly showed up and did the work without a true agenda or specific goal and my results reflected that.For me now, Superhuman means having a clear visi (1)

anxiety, business, emotional trauma, Freedom, gratitude, law of attraction, manifestation, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

Releasing Emotions, Radical Forgiveness & Your Success

A Client called me out yesterday.

She suggested that it looked like I am only coaching people in their marketing now.

It’s funny because this “truth” came at a time where across the last couple of weeks I haven’t been feeling “right”.  I’ve been feeling uncomfortable, I have been feeling frustrated and I have even been feeling anxious, which I hate!  Conversely, I still have been feeling ‘in flow’, and for a while didn’t understand this conflict with the other uncomfortable feelings…

And then it hit me.

The Universe only says YES.

If we are deeply connected to the vision of what we want and our truth, then what the Universe presents to us is the right thing in the right moment, even if it is causing us PAIN because true self-mastery is to take the messages from the messes…

So our #1 job for true success is to find out what our truth is and how that truth expresses in the vision of the life we truly want, away from the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, the traumas that have caused us to take on identities that were never ours and our conditioning.

This is why I shared with my client how I absolutely am not just coaching people on their marketing now.  I am coaching them on their truth.  Just like she had experienced working with me, my clients walk away from our sessions with certainty and clarity, they feel like they have reclaimed their power, they know how to let go of the things that used to trigger them into days or weeks of downward emotional spirals where they lack of productivity and creativity, and they leave my coaching with tools to forever continue living in this way.

This is why my Superhuman 3-Step System starts with you and the clients who decide to take this complete journey have the deepest and most sustainable and fulfilling success.  But as I said to my client, some people aren’t ready to believe that the state of their inner world is so critical to the way their outer world reflects, which is why, yes I have marketed to help people only in their online visibility at this time where people so need it, due to the Coronavirus.

However, If you do believe your external world reflects your inner world, or if you are curious to understand how the two interrelate, I have created this free training for you.

It teaches you how to begin the journey of getting clear on your truth, so that your creative expression through your business (your marketing, your messaging and your voice) flows more easily.

All we truly have is what’s inside of us.  Our focus should never be outside of that.

In this free training I share the 5 tools I use every time I end up in the struggle I have found myself in across the last few weeks, where I have slipped back into hustle, overwhelm and anxiety and my success has slowed up in reflection.  Until I stop and say, “oh right, yes, this mess is trying to tell me something!!”  And then I make changes that have consistently led to my best income months!

In this free training I teach you to do exactly what I do to unlock my true potentiality and manifestation POWER.

If you would like to watch the training, click here!

BUT, if you feel you have this nailed and it is just a case of nailing your marketing now, click here for my latest Marketing Training Videos on YouTube.

In your High Vibes, Health, Happiness & SUCCESS!

Clare x x x