biohacking, business, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, Freedom, Instagram, law of attraction, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

Are you Denying your Truth?

I just sat for 2 hours and unravelled a super tangled ball of wool, so that I can complete the blanket I am knitting for my baby that is due in late August/September.

As I sat there and focused on meticulously unlooping each knot and tracking the yarn back to its true form, it occurred to me just how many people’s lives are like the ball of wool I just unravelled.

My life was like that tangled up ball of wool too!  And in truth I am still untangling it…

Coming to the end of my second week in Soulciete’s Leadership Programme, I can see and feel so deeply that when I am in Flow and connected to my Source and Truth, my success comes easily.

In February I felt so in Flow.

I stood up on the HerStory Auckland Stage and I spoke from my heart about my how my personal story led to my passion to heal other’s trauma and take them through the process of Emotional Biohacking that I had discovered to live out their true Soul Goal.  I did a workshop after the talk and felt so fulfilled as one by one, participants connected with their own individual truths of the traumas they were holding onto, saw their experiences from a new perspective and began within seconds to neutralise the mental pictures that had been holding them back in the powerful actions that could create different outcomes in their lives!

When I’m not in Flow, my success doesn’t flow either.  It becomes hard work.

And after February, my success became hard work.  And I am starting to see clearly WHY.  In a powerful way I can see clearly that the #1 BS (belief system) that holds me back is still around money.

The illusion of lack or insufficiency runs deep in me because I still hold onto trauma from my childhood that led me to believe that scarcity is inevitable.  The Global Coronavirus Pandemic has deeply triggered this limited view and I know it is preventing me from experiencing all of the abundance that is truly possible, and the happiness and peace. It has also taken me a little off track with my messaging because I pivoted to help people based on this limited view.  And people are starting to ask, “Clare, are you a Social Media Coach now?”  And the answer is no!

Every essence of my being was born to be a Spiritual Coach.

This is why my signature programme, u_UNLEASHED is such a beautiful balance of helping you discover your truth and get on the path of your true purpose:

  • Knowing yourself,
  • Taking responsibility for the fact that everything you want is within you
  • And allowing you to be who you truly are
  • Then creatively expressing that through a business and marketing it authentically online.

The inner spiritual work is the core work and the social media is just strategy.  

I believe you can’t use strategy powerfully until you are in connection with your truth and freed from your limiting beliefs, and I see it over and over again in myself and with my Clients. It’s why what you see working for others doesn’t work for you.  And I feel your frustration, I really do.

We all have limited views – money, our capability, our ability, our worth.

And your limited views, like mine, show up in reaction to an external situation, right?

Ask yourself right now, what feelings come up, when an external situation triggers you?

And what happens when you feel these feelings?  Do you go all in your dreams?  Or do you hold back?  Say no?  Play small?

And if I could show you a way, the method I am currently deepening, to not feel those feelings anymore, no matter your external circumstances, would that interest you?

And now tell me… Why?

I want you to actually email me and tell me using the form, where you are at and what you are struggling with, and how good are you willing to let life get?!

Struggle shows us how to be VULNERABLE and be OK feeling that vulnerability. 

It calls us to shine our light not dim it!!!!

If you have a purpose, even if you don’t know what it is yet, but you feel the urgency of living it out, let me help you unravel your own ball of tangled wool, to bring you back to your truth.

Let me help you shed all your own false identities, limited views, trauma and confusion that is blocking you from stepping into your true power!

Let me help you enable yourself to really be who you truly already are and unleash the true creative expression of your purpose and leverage your beautiful personal story and journey to create your success.

Everyone who connects with me in the next 24 hours will receive a BONUS insight into the 10 things I am doing every day for my spiritual work and to embed clarity practices through my day, so that I can keep becoming more and more connected to my true ‘I Am’.

In your High Vibes, Health, Happiness & SUCCESS,

Clare! x x x

Freedom, Money, Soul Goal, Uncategorized

Coronavirus: Calamity & Chaos? Or Opportunity?

I just completed an EPIC Challenge with 25 entrepreneurs who wanted to take the chaos of Coronavirus to OPPORTUNITY!

By being more visible online and sharing a powerful message in front of the right people.

We started with connecting to who we really are and what we really want to do, how we really want to live and how we really want to feel!

Because the one thing I know is that doing what you love, is the million dollar prize.

It’s the biggest prize in life. It is incredible. Being able to do that for me was an opportunity birthed out of crisis.  In fact, the biggest opportunities for me have come through those times that really were the hardest times. So I really see the power in that for people right now.  The opportunity to step into your power, and I’ve been doing everything that I can to help….

Especially for those people in business.

Did you know that people are consuming 163% more content than before the Coronavirus?  So how do you put your message in front of more people more powerfully in a way that converts?

It starts with your focus.  If you focus on the calamity you’re going to get more calamity. If you focus on the opportunity, you’re going to ride through this crisis and come out better than you walked in!

We had an awesome example of this in the Challenge I just did.  On day one, I asked the group to set the intention to really show up over the next 5 days.  Within 24 hours, one of the Challenge participants shared she’d got the opportunity to get featured by an influencer with nearly 30,000 followers! Just by setting that intention.  This is the power of law of attraction and quantum physics. How you focus determines everything.

Aaron Velky described this as becoming “Opportunity-Attuned” in the training I was blessed to have with him last week.  Look at what you want to do and believe that it is possible.

If you need help with that, check out this month’s resources in my Superhuman Entrepreneurs Club.  There are two Guest Expert Trainings in there from my Mastermind Group this month.  The first one will really help you get clear on your vision and the second one teaches you through her story what is really possible, even if what you think you want is totally out the realm of what you’ve got! Access here or join my email list to get free access.

Because you see, everything is possible. Including finding out what you love, making it what you get paid for, to generate this huge impact that the world needs so much, and at the core of that is YOU.

When you are UNLEASHED from everything that is holding you back.

Imagine showing up in your life, doing what you love, getting paid for it, making an impact, generating an income and it happened BECAUSE you saw opportunity in this Coronavirus “chaos”.  Because you used it as an opportunity to get so focused on your vision that everything began to align, all the pieces started to line up, and as the vision became clearer, opportunities just started to appear.

It all starts with intention.

As you get clear on the vision and you get clear on your own value and you start giving that value out online, money does follow, because it’s a value exchange, right? People see the value in your value.

Where is the assessment of your value right now?  Is it on the value you can actually create or your self worth? If the latter, we must build that up too!  That self worth, that self-belief, that self-confidence and that vision because you are what’s going to build everything else.

So if you do have a business and your feathers have been ruffled by the Coronavirus…  maybe that’s your routine completely changing, or the kids being at kids the home  or your business being directly affected by the restrictions… whatever the chaos, now is the time to see your opportunity.

To become “Opportune Attuned” because there is a huge opportunity to show up right now, be bold, be courageous and be unstoppable in terms of sharing your voice, your mission and your message!

And I am hosting a free webinar on Wednesday night to show you HOW. It’s going to be awesome, but there are limited seats! Just register here to secure yours.

See you there!

anxiety, biohacking, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, nutrition, Soul Goal, Uncategorized

How to Biohack Emotional Trauma (Plus an Interview with me!)

I was so blessed 3 weeks ago to take part in a Workshop to improve my Public Speaking.

Here you get to hear my story of Biohacking my Emotional Trauma and get to listen into a unique interview that lets you go deeper into my story and why I am so passionate to help other Mission-Driven entrepreneurs get out of their own way and start changing the world in the way that is their Soul Goal!

business, time management, Uncategorized

4 Things you are Doing Wrong on Facebook, if you are using it to Attract Business!

I’ve been noticing some things on Facebook and because I know that a lot of my followers are using Facebook to attract business, I thought I’d share my observations with you!  These are the things you are doing WRONG if you are using Facebook to attract business!

99.9% of my business comes through social media, mainly Facebook, but also Instagram.

Last year, I invested a lot of time and money into understanding these platforms better, so that I could better coach my clients.  I work very specifically with helping Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs to leverage their personal story to generate more income and impact, and social media is a great vehicle for connecting your story to those who would benefit from hearing it.

Are you doing these following wrongs and in turn, unknowingly affecting how you are attracting your ideal client to your content?

The most important thing to know about using social media is that it is an Algorithm, so it’s just like doing maths!  You have to think about social media like working the numbers to your benefit.  The Algorithm is based on engagement (clue was in the “social” media) and so Facebook and Instagram are looking for you to engage and for people to engage with you.  If the Algorithm doesn’t see these things, it is not going to see you as a great user of the platform and in turn, not show your content to people.

For example, on Instagram, for the first 5 minutes that you post your content Instagram will show it to as many people as possible.  After 5 minutes the reach of your post will depend on how many people have engaged in it.  If nobody engages in the first 5 minutes, the reach drops off. So get as many likes and comments in the first 5 minutes as you can and you are sweet!

On Facebook it’s slightly different in terms of how your post gets shown, but the principle of engagement is the same.  So the first thing you may be doing wrong is just jumping onto Facebook and posting your content without pre-engaging first!  In order for your post to be shown to as many people as possible, pre-engage for 5 minutes and post-engage for 5 minutes too.

Try this out for yourself to see how it works.  Have a look at the average engagement in your posts then compare to when you pre-engage.  You might specifically notice that the people that you engaged with straight away like your post, jump on your live or like a previous piece of your content!  You are showing the Facebook Algorithm that you are ‘a person of interest’.

You might be engaging already, but your comments may be superficial.

You may have heard about the rule to pre-engage and are dropping little comments like, “nice hair!”  What I have noticed is that meaningful comments work much better.  If you are looking to build relationships with people, really sell through your comments who you are and how you can help people.  Answer their questions, solve their problems, give them advice.  Don’t sell to them in a comment, but help them to see who you are and how you can help them.  People will always be thinking as you engage with them on Facebook, “who is this person and why should I listen to them?“, so meaningful comments are a great way for people to get to know you.

Be strategic about how you engage though (talk to me about an effective ‘DMO’ Method of Operation)  If you are using Facebook for business, it should be a good use of your time.   I have learnt from the best; Ray Higdon.  He helped me to set an hour and know how to fill it effectively.

The next thing I have observed is people ‘talking to the masses’ in their videos.  Media Guru Hank Norman taught me that we should always address one person in our videos, the person who needs to hear the message you are sharing.  Start your video with, “Hey you!“, not “you guys” and then speak directly to their problem.

Another thing I am seeing (and hating) is the cookie cutter crap strewn all over my Facebook newsfeed.

People sharing the same posts, asking the same question and using the same style of posting.  What about your style?  What about what you stand up for?  Who are you?  How are you using social media to make a bond with people and use it as a vehicle to share your message? To share your mission!  To make people feel intimately involved with what you have and what you do and how you can help them.  It is powerful to use social media to stand out.  And this means going against the grain and saying things that some people might not want to hear.

Ask powerful questions, say meaningful things and share really vulnerable stories that help your audience to understand that you’ve been where they are and you have a path forward for them to take to get to where they want to be.

The final thing is another Ray Higdon tip.  He taught me to always aim to take conversations off the Facebook feed to Messenger because that is where you can really talk to somebody and establish if/how you can help them.  It is where somebody will open up more to you about where they are really at.

What I do in my signature u_UNLEASHED coaching programme is help you really understand how you help people; that one specific result that working with you creates.  Then we create a free tool that really shows the person on the other side of the conversation your value.  Every conversation should be a value exchange.

If you would like to talk more with me about your online marketing strategy, reach out!

I hope these tips have been helpful.

Freedom, law of attraction, manifestation, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

What is standing in the way of your Soul Goal realising?

That thing that you are chasing is not outside of you, it’s within you.

Your personal experience of hardship and adversity is necessary to peel back the onion layers of you to get to your Soul Goal and understand it. When you land upon it, it’s like fireworks are going off in your heart and the feeling of it is indescribable, but when you are out of alignment with it, life sucks.

Do you have that assured feeling of knowing this is who I am and this is the reason I was born onto this planet?

We spend so much time fighting who we are and my recommendation to you is to look back… Who were you before you had all those experiences that scarred you?

What were those qualities that perhaps people put you down for, judged you for, laughed at you for? Those qualities are yours and in the words of Katrina Ruth… You can’t fuck up being you!  Those qualities are your strengths.  Your unique power to shine relies on you owning those things.

I’m sharing these things because I have felt out of alignment these last few days and the change in my vibration and feelings of hope has been staggering.  I’ve had to stop and ask the question, am I still moving towards where I want to be?  Or have I been dragged off course by old fears; my fears and old programming that continue to replay.  How is the work I am doing progressing the Hummingbird Movement, this Movement I want to create where I am enabling more and more good in the world.  Have I got off track?

Everything in u_UNLEASHED, my signature programme certainly has been born out of what I have been through and everything I have learnt that has saved my life.  Helping others to be empowered and enabled and helping them to overcome and become the person who CAN.  But are my choices and decisions around this programme still focused on where I want to go?  Am I focused on coaching the Hummingbirds who will empower much needed change in our world or have I been chasing a sale from those I can help, but they aren’t aligned to this broader vision?

We should always be interrogating our path.  Sometimes the answers might scare us.  Are we moving away from or towards?  Is what you are doing living out the purpose in your pain and sharing the message in your messes?  Are you empowering those who reflect where you were disempowered?  This is the essence of Mission-Driven business, to me; enabling where you were unable through your powerful learning, and fixing the things that caused you to break.  Helping others who have felt your pain.  I realise this isn’t everyone’s definition of a Mission, but that’s OK because this language will only speak to you, if you are the one who it is my purpose to help.  To help you see that what you want to create is possible, to help you let go of the stories that tell you that you can’t, to help you heal your trauma, to help you see your vision and unleash your masterpiece.

Share with me and tell me… What is standing in the way of your Soul Goal realising?