biohacking, business, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, Freedom, Instagram, law of attraction, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

Are you Denying your Truth?

I just sat for 2 hours and unravelled a super tangled ball of wool, so that I can complete the blanket I am knitting for my baby that is due in late August/September.

As I sat there and focused on meticulously unlooping each knot and tracking the yarn back to its true form, it occurred to me just how many people’s lives are like the ball of wool I just unravelled.

My life was like that tangled up ball of wool too!  And in truth I am still untangling it…

Coming to the end of my second week in Soulciete’s Leadership Programme, I can see and feel so deeply that when I am in Flow and connected to my Source and Truth, my success comes easily.

In February I felt so in Flow.

I stood up on the HerStory Auckland Stage and I spoke from my heart about my how my personal story led to my passion to heal other’s trauma and take them through the process of Emotional Biohacking that I had discovered to live out their true Soul Goal.  I did a workshop after the talk and felt so fulfilled as one by one, participants connected with their own individual truths of the traumas they were holding onto, saw their experiences from a new perspective and began within seconds to neutralise the mental pictures that had been holding them back in the powerful actions that could create different outcomes in their lives!

When I’m not in Flow, my success doesn’t flow either.  It becomes hard work.

And after February, my success became hard work.  And I am starting to see clearly WHY.  In a powerful way I can see clearly that the #1 BS (belief system) that holds me back is still around money.

The illusion of lack or insufficiency runs deep in me because I still hold onto trauma from my childhood that led me to believe that scarcity is inevitable.  The Global Coronavirus Pandemic has deeply triggered this limited view and I know it is preventing me from experiencing all of the abundance that is truly possible, and the happiness and peace. It has also taken me a little off track with my messaging because I pivoted to help people based on this limited view.  And people are starting to ask, “Clare, are you a Social Media Coach now?”  And the answer is no!

Every essence of my being was born to be a Spiritual Coach.

This is why my signature programme, u_UNLEASHED is such a beautiful balance of helping you discover your truth and get on the path of your true purpose:

  • Knowing yourself,
  • Taking responsibility for the fact that everything you want is within you
  • And allowing you to be who you truly are
  • Then creatively expressing that through a business and marketing it authentically online.

The inner spiritual work is the core work and the social media is just strategy.  

I believe you can’t use strategy powerfully until you are in connection with your truth and freed from your limiting beliefs, and I see it over and over again in myself and with my Clients. It’s why what you see working for others doesn’t work for you.  And I feel your frustration, I really do.

We all have limited views – money, our capability, our ability, our worth.

And your limited views, like mine, show up in reaction to an external situation, right?

Ask yourself right now, what feelings come up, when an external situation triggers you?

And what happens when you feel these feelings?  Do you go all in your dreams?  Or do you hold back?  Say no?  Play small?

And if I could show you a way, the method I am currently deepening, to not feel those feelings anymore, no matter your external circumstances, would that interest you?

And now tell me… Why?

I want you to actually email me and tell me using the form, where you are at and what you are struggling with, and how good are you willing to let life get?!

Struggle shows us how to be VULNERABLE and be OK feeling that vulnerability. 

It calls us to shine our light not dim it!!!!

If you have a purpose, even if you don’t know what it is yet, but you feel the urgency of living it out, let me help you unravel your own ball of tangled wool, to bring you back to your truth.

Let me help you shed all your own false identities, limited views, trauma and confusion that is blocking you from stepping into your true power!

Let me help you enable yourself to really be who you truly already are and unleash the true creative expression of your purpose and leverage your beautiful personal story and journey to create your success.

Everyone who connects with me in the next 24 hours will receive a BONUS insight into the 10 things I am doing every day for my spiritual work and to embed clarity practices through my day, so that I can keep becoming more and more connected to my true ‘I Am’.

In your High Vibes, Health, Happiness & SUCCESS,

Clare! x x x

anxiety, biohacking, emotional biohacking, emotional trauma, nutrition, Soul Goal, Uncategorized

How to Biohack Emotional Trauma (Plus an Interview with me!)

I was so blessed 3 weeks ago to take part in a Workshop to improve my Public Speaking.

Here you get to hear my story of Biohacking my Emotional Trauma and get to listen into a unique interview that lets you go deeper into my story and why I am so passionate to help other Mission-Driven entrepreneurs get out of their own way and start changing the world in the way that is their Soul Goal!

anxiety, biohacking, business, emotional trauma, Freedom, mindset, Uncategorized

Do you have an inaction problem? If so, how do you overcome it?

Thought I’d mix things up and share a video blog with you today!

I’ve definitely been doing some deep inner work recently that has created some big, deep transformation (with monetary results!) in my business!

If you are on a Mission to make a difference in the world, but you feel like something holds you back and you can’t unleashing your gifts to your true potential, watch this!

On Wednesday night my Superhuman Secrets Training showed you how to start taking charge of your mind.

I’ve had such good feedback from the Masterclass:

As I am speaking at HerStory Auckland tomorrow and wanted to be able to offer my audience a way to continue their own learning after my talk and workshop, I will be running a replay of the Superhuman Secrets Masterclass this Sunday night.

You are so welcome to jump on, if you missed the Masterclass the first time round!

Contact me and I will send you the link!

In your high vibes, health, happiness and SUCCESS!

Clare x x x

biohacking, business, emotional trauma, Freedom, gratitude, law of attraction, manifestation, mindset, Money, Soul Goal, success, Uncategorized

How to Biohack your Emotional Responses

This morning I woke up feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Then somebody I have coached in the past gave me a wake-up call!

He said, “Don’t bend to your circumstances.  Change them.”

Control is our Superpower.  I used to use control in the wrong way.  Trying to control my circumstances and rigidly control how I went about things (strategies and lists for days.)  This was part of my SURVIVAL MODE, not freedom from it, because I was so trapped by everything I feared.  Now I use control the right way.  I control how I show up, the decisions I make and the way I choose to decode my emotional responses programmed by emotional memories.

I now help others to increase their brain’s feelings of happiness through Biohacking these emotional memories, so that you feel good, begin to heal from past trauma and create a daily rhythm that makes you a superhuman charged magnet for a abundance.

I created a Free Resource within my Mynddojo to help you, but HOW do the simple tools in there do that?

Here is an example.

Yesterday I did an Emotional Trauma Healing Session with a Client where I helped her to consciously recognize the emotions at play, born out of her trauma, which are causing her so much pain and suffering in the present.  These feelings have caused her to suffer debilitating anxiety attacks for years.  However, bringing consciousness to an autonomic​ system like the nervous system lessens their impact.

This is the essence of Biohacking.  Bringing control to the things that we feel we have no control over.  Using science to live better and have more success.  Control is your Superpower…

In this case we are specifically biohacking emotional trauma and this is essential because we cannot suppress negative emotional experiences, like we try to do when we go through something horrific.  The limbic part of our brain becomes hyper-aroused to our emotional memories, which has unwanted effects like anxiety and depression and guides our motivation and behaviour.  It should be the other way around.  Our habits should be guiding our motivation and behaviour.  Our results do literally reflect our mindset.

The key to overcoming trauma is to calm the amygdala, part of the old limbic system of our brain, where our emotions are given meaning, remembered and attached to associations and responses to them, by activating the prefrontal cortex.  Most of our memories leave no trace in the brain, but trauma physically rewires it.  (And don’t stereotype Trauma here.  Experiences may seem subtle that have significant effects on the nervous system.  And from every experience, we take meaning.)

The prefrontal cortex combines two frontal lobes that are newer and larger areas at the front of the brain. They’re part of the cerebral cortex, which is a rational and more advanced brain system.  This is where thinking, reasoning, decision-making and planning happen.

The frontal lobes allow you to process and think about your emotions.  You can then manage these emotions and determine a logical response.  The frontal lobe response is not automatic.  It can be consciously controlled by you.

So, how do we do this?

– Setting Intention and Goals

– Practising gratitude

– Changing our focus

– Experiencing more joy

– Giving the brain new information or challenging it with questions that create new information, rather than replaying the stories that keep your trauma “on the tracks”

– Connecting and neutralising the emotions that are keeping you stuck

Thanks to Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt and change with new experiences) we are literally rewiring our brain, physically with these new habits that activate a new emotional response that calms our amygdala and enables you to experience the vulnerability of everything you fear.

If this stuff FIRES YOU UP and you only want to master more of these Superhuman Secrets to your Success, I am holding a Free Masterclass on the 26th February and I would LOVE you to be there.  It’s simple to sign up… Just click here and I will mail you details to join me.

In your High Vibes, Health, Happiness and SUCCESS,

Clare x x x